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You have a story. We want to help you to tell it.

Virtuosity is defined as "Great skill in artistic pursuit." This summarizes our mission statement better than anything else ever could. Welcome to Written Virtuosity!


We are a husband and wife team who have made a career in publishing for the last twelve years. Between us, we've worked in every aspect that involves putting an idea into print - from submissions, through editing, and then on into design. We have published books and magazines ourselves through our own publishing company, Written World Communications.


Currently we spend the majority of our time working in the freelance capacity, guiding authors through the process to prepare them for traditional or self-publishing. We also work with various publishing houses with a specialty in ghostwriting, creating books to order to fill whatever needs they currently have. As of Fall 2021, we've written 155+ books and 1200+ articles for various clients.


But our main focus is in filmmaking. and we've worked in everything from plot development through editing, rewrites, and creation of scripts. Currently we're working with with several producers in the development of new projects. We also write for both feature films, movies, and documentaries.


All of this is our way of saying we're here for you. Whatever it is you have to say, we're here to help you say it. So let's talk. How can we help you get YOUR message out to the world today?







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